• Sam Griffin

  • About The Artist

    Sam Griffin was born and raised in South London, UK. After spending a year studying Fine Art at the Cyprus College of Art in Larnaca, he enrolled at the Bezalel Academy of Art and Design in Jerusalem, Israel.

    For Griffin, the act of painting is about communicating internal experiences through a combination of mark making and erasure, laying wide brush strokes over the entire canvas, and removing the paint to reveal a foggy, dream-like image.



  • Current Exhibitions



    "There And Back Again"- A group exhibition at Beit Uri Tzvi, Jerusalem.

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    "Second Draft" - A Solo Exhibition showing artworks created since being drafted into the IDF reserves a second time this year. Join me on Tuesday, 16th July at 8pm, Heichal Shlomo, Jerusalem, for a panel discussion on the use of art as a way to process trauma.

  • Wise Old Man

    An Ongoing Project 


    Wise Old Man communicates two main themes. One being Griffin's search for his family history, one shrouded in mystery. A great grandson to Russian immigrants who fled pogroms and arrived in EAst London at the beginning of the 20th century, there are no photographs and very little information about his ancestors. As he moves further into the future, that information is gradually becoming harder to obtain, the image of his great grandparents becoming harder to grasp. The second is a description of the daily pursuit of holiness, an internal struggle which is wrought with challenges as each individual encounters dark areas of their psyche that thye must challenge and overcome in order to reach the next stage - a better version of themselves that exists in potential - until reaching the "Wise Old Man" archetypical peak as described by Carl Jung, and embodied in Griffin's figures.



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  • Contact

    For any inquiries regarding purchases, feel free to send an email or call.

    Jerusalem, Israel
    +972 50 653 4016
  • Press

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    The Jerusalem Post

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    A Contemporary Renaissance for Jewish Art

    The Algemeiner

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    Sam Griffin - The Art Of War